In today’s fast-paced global environment, an increasing number of individuals are experiencing insecurity about their professional trajectories. Often, societal pressures influence people to pursue unsuitable career paths which, in turn, leads to a prevalence of confusion and dissatisfaction among them.
As a career coach, you should help people to identify what activities make them truly happy, and what fields they are the best at. Moreover, you should inspire and encourage them to take the right life path regardless of their age or other circumstances.
But what if you feel that you lack the knowledge in guiding people to choose their best careers?
Don’t worry as today you have a chance to tap into the minds of the best career experts and coaches of the world, and you can do this by reading some coaching books. In this article, we are going to share the 8 best books that will help you to become a better career coach.
So here we go:
1. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy
This book is written by Amy Cuddy who is a well-known author, speaker, and psychologist. Her research is focused on how non-verbal behavior and judgments influence people. Her 2012 TED talk is among the top-viewed talks in TED’s history.
Facing difficult situations in your career is a pretty normal thing. However, having and knowing your core values can make your life easier. For this, you need to write down a list of things most important for you. Then, narrow down the list and pick the most important among them. Finally, you know one core value of yours. Knowing your core values will give you the courage and strength to go handle the stress.
Whenever you’re feeling stuck in your career, remember your past wins. Try to remember the details like how you have overcome the obstacles and reached your destination. Help your coaching client see their previous wins. It will make them believe that they can get over the current problem and achieve success.
Read this Book: Click here
2. Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement by Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a well-known philanthropist, author, and entrepreneur. He has counseled an immense number of people and helped them achieve high performance and success.
The key idea to unlimited power is to aim and achieve top-level results in your particular field. According to Anthony Robbins, the way to do so is by modeling the best ones in your environment. You can suggest to your clients the same excel in their careers.
Initially, to model someone, it’s essential to observe the top performers and follow their behaviors and actions. Once you gain momentum go for achieving a higher level. Finally, assume yourself as that top performer and execute the other top performer’s actions flawlessly. Hence, getting similar results and achieving the top performance level.
As simple as this idea seems but it’s useless if not backed by actions. Only making someone your ideal won’t work until you start following their actions. Modeling someone requires putting consistent effort to produce the desired results.
Lastly, your beliefs play a major role here. You can only achieve the highest performance when you believe you can. These beliefs will give you unlimited power to become a top performer.
Read this Book: Click here
3. The Prosperous Coach: Increase Income and Impact for You and Your Clients by Steve Chandler
“The Prosperous Coach” is written by Steven Chandler and Rich Litvin. Steven is a master coach in personal growth who has trained top professionals and coaches, while Rich runs a coaching program named 4PC for 4% of top successful world leaders. So, both writers have vast experience in the coaching field.
The prosperous coach is a masterpiece, which is written with the purpose of helping coaches. The book clarifies the concept of coaching, explains how it works and provides the Dos and Don’ts of this job. It also describes the value of coaching in today’s era and how it can produce amazing results.
The essence of coaching lies in building one-on-one relationships, giving value to the client, and helping him solve the problem. The core goal is to genuinely help them by taking care of their needs. Once you do, getting clients will no longer be a problem. In fact, you’ll get referrals from existing clients.
This book is great for clients struggling with a coaching career and facing difficulties in similar fields. You can explore what you need to learn to improve your coaching skills, while ultimately, becoming a better coach.
Read this Book: Click here
4. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett
Bill Burnett and Dave Evans are the authors of “Designing your life” book. Bill Burnett is an Executive Director of the Stanford Design program. While Dave is the Co-founder of Stanford Life Design. Both of them have a great experience in product design.
With the help of this book, you can guide your clients to design their lives and careers. The journey of designing your life starts with finding your current stage, and evaluating where you’re standing in various areas of life. This will give you a fair idea of the life you’re currently living, the strengths you possess, and the areas you need to improve.
The book is focused on discovering your passion through experience. Try out different careers and see what works for you. You’ll find out some career paths will energize and fulfill you while others will be energy-draining. There’s no one defined path, you just need to figure out the path that’s aligned with your values and life. Keep in mind you may fail multiple times in the process. However, this will make you learn and get ahead quickly.
Read this Book: Click here
5. Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type by Paul D. Tieger
Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron are the authors of “DO What You Are”. Both of them are expert writers on personality types. They have been training professionals on the use of personality types for quite a long time. Kelly Tieger has also been a part of research for the fourth edition of the book.
Most of us are in a fix when choosing our careers. This is because we all want to find a “perfect” career for ourselves. However, determining that “perfect career path” is not that easy. People spend all their lives without knowing which career is best for them, and one major reason behind this is a lack of self-awareness.
To choose the best career, become self-aware – identify your personality type, your strengths, and weaknesses. Once you know your identity, look for your interests. Then, align your identity and interests to figure out a perfect path that not only makes you successful but also happy.
Guide your client to keep exploring different career paths throughout his life. There is no certain age limit to change a career, and people can do that whenever it feels right. Remember the ultimate goal is to find a career that provides you with contentment and fulfillment.
Read this Book: Click here
6. So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
Cal Newport is the author of “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” book, and he’s one of New York best selling authors. He also hosts a podcast named “Deep Questions”.
Cal introduces a unique approach to excelling and enjoying a career simultaneously. According to him, a person could enjoy any field based on his experience and expertise.
Start with learning and practicing in whatever field you’re working in. Grow your experience in that field and build the expertise required. Once you get involved in the work you will find the problem faced in that particular field. While finding solutions for those problems you’ll acquire rare skills. Hence becoming a master in your field. Over some time you indulge in the field and will start developing a love for it.
The key is to put in your hundred percent effort in gradually improving your performance. Becoming better day by day, and acquiring new skills. This will motivate you to keep going and become a Guru in your environment.
Read this Book: Click here
7. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by
“7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is written by Stephen R. Covey who is an amazing author, businessman, and speaker.
The book is focused on personal and professional development. It all begins with changing your views and working on yourself. You’ve to put in the effort to improve yourself in various aspects such as physical, social, spiritual, and mental. All these aspects combined will make you successful in your career as well as in life.
Recommend your client to adopt the seven key habits shared in this book. They could see a noticeable difference in their lives by following these habits. Also, the book emphasizes making strong interpersonal relationships by actively listening to others, seeing their point of view, and engaging in teamwork. Hence, outshining in your careers.
Read this Book: Click here
8. The Gifts of Imperfection by Bene Brown
Brene Brown is a well-known author, podcast host, and professor. She has been studying emotions like shame, fear, and vulnerability for a long time. This book revolves the internal conflicts and encourages us to use imperfections as an advantage.
Brene acknowledges that emotions like fear and vulnerability may exist and might come in your way of career. Embrace them, as it’s normal to have such feelings. Anyhow don’t let them stop you from moving on. Remember there’s no such thing as perfect, just keep on trying and you’ll achieve your goal.
The gift of imperfection is that nobody is perfect in this world. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Each of us is different in some way or the other. This is what makes us unique and the universe beautiful. So, be yourself, utilize your strengths and achieve your career goals.
Read this Book: Click here
Final Words:
These career books will help individuals to recognize themselves, and motivate them to take the change needed. They will give you a good insight into self-discovery and transformation processes. Read these books for your own knowledge, and recommend them to your clients. By doing so, you will become more professional, gain credibility, and back up your coaching methodology with the thoughts of the best career experts in the world.