Koala Writer Review 2023: Is It Really The Best AI Writer?

As a blogger or content producer, you are surely aware of how much time and effort it can take to consistently generate top-tier content.

Even more, you probably know how hard it is to find an AI writer that can produce truly unique and high-quality content that actually ranks on Google.

That’s where AI writing tools like Koala Writer come in.

Koala Writer is an AI writing tool that claims to be the best AI blogging tool helping writers generate thousands of words of content quickly and easily.

In this Koala AI Writer review, I will take a closer look at this long-form article generator and help you decide whether or not it is worth the investment in 2023.

I will look at the features with pros and cons of this platform. I will also run a test where I will create an article with this tool.

Ready to learn more about this AI content generator? Let’s dive in.

What Is Koala Writer?

koala writer

Koala Writer is a generative AI writing tool designed to simplify and enhance the content creation journey.

At its core, this tool is known for producing high-quality, unique, and SEO-optimized content that actually ranks on Google! (I will prove that later in this review)

This tool uses Chat GPT 3.5 & Chat GPT 4 to generate articles and it is equipped with an arsenal of features ranging from real-time data analysis, and bulk writing, to AI-generated imagery and video embedding capabilities.

With the ability to produce various types of article types, including Amazon product reviews and round-ups, Koala AI Writer is super universal and adaptable.

Additionally, its integration with WordPress makes publishing content a seamless experience.

Who Can Use Koala Writer?

Koala Writer is an invaluable asset for various professionals who want to efficiently generate long-form articles without spending a dime.

From bloggers and content creators who seek engaging, SEO-optimized posts, to freelance writers aiming for swift, quality content generation, this tool can be an affordable solution.

Niche site owners and affiliate marketers can also leverage Koal Writer for crafting content on a high-volume scale.

Try Koala Writer For Free

My Favourite Features of Koala Writer:

Koala Writer is a powerful AI-powered writing tool that streamlines the content creation process. It comes packed with a variety of features designed to make the blog post-writing process more effective.

Here are some of the key features of Koala Writer:

Interface and Ease of Use

Koala Writer’s user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for writers to get started.

The tool is designed to be easy to use, with a clean and simple interface that allows users to focus on their content.

While some may argue that the interface of Koala Writer is too simple and lacks features, I found it really easy to use and efficient.

You can find all sections nicely organized in the left sidebar, and from there you can navigate everything you need.

koala writer interface

High-Quality Content Writing

Koala Writer is super quick and makes sure the generated content is comprehensive, unique, and factually correct. When you’re writing, you can pick different GPT models, use the latest data, and even set your own outline.

It’s great at understanding what you’re talking about and creating useful and fun-to-read content. This makes it a valuable tool for anyone interested in producing high-quality long-form blog posts.

Plus, the content it makes is good for SEO, which means it’s easier for people to find on search engines. From my vast experience, Koala is one of a few auto-blogging tools that can generate content that actually ranks

In addition, Koala Writer comes with plenty of customization options.

When crafting an article, you can specify the following:

  • Article type
  • GPT version (3.5 or 4)
  • Targeted keywords
  • SEO optimization mode
  • AI images & videos
  • Tone of voice
  • Article Length (NEW)
  • Language
  • Country
  • Point of view
  • Outline
  • & more settings

koala writer interface

SEO Optimization

As we just covered, Koala Writer is designed to help writers create content that is optimized for search engines.

The tool includes several SEO optimization options, and you can choose from default, manual, and AI-powered optimizations.

Let’s briefly discuss the differences:

  • Default: The platform will analyze and pick the best optimization setting for your article
  • Manual: You can list any keywords, entities, or topics that you want the article to cover
  • AI-Powered: Koala Writer will analyze top-ranking pages and extract up to 100 topically relevant keywords and entities for inclusion in the article.

From my experience, AI-powered optimization is the best choice if you want to rank your articles well on Google.

Instead of spending time manually conducting keyword research for relevant entities, you can let Koala Writer do this with one click, and the result will probably be more profound.

Access to the Real-Time Data

Unlike Chat-GPT 3.5 or even Chat GPT 4.0, which only have access to data up to 2021, Koala Writer can analyze data from today.

Koala Writer provides real-time data and market insights to help writers stay on top of the latest trends and topics.

When writing an article with Koala, you have the option to select “Use Real-Time Search Results”.

Once enabled, the tool will fetch search results for each paragraph and use that data to help generate a factually accurate article.

When enabling access to real-time data, you also get to specify the following filtering options:

  • Default: This choice leverages all of the top-performing pages on the SERP, functioning as it always has.
  • Scholarly: This choice exclusively utilizes sources found on Google Scholar.
  • Custom: This choice provides the flexibility to input your specific search operators.

AI Image Generation and Video Embedding

Probably the most hated task in blogging for me was looking for high-quality images and videos that I could supplement my blog post with. That’s no longer the case with Koala Writer.

Koala Writer can automatically generate and add high-quality original images to your blog post. Not only that, it can also fetch and embed relevant YouTube videos to your article. The best part? Unlike many other AI writers that charge extra for this feature, Koala Writer does that completely for free.

Just specify how many images and videos you want to have inside your article and you are good to go.

For images, you have plenty of options to pick from, including illustrations, photos, watercolor, fantasy, anime, 3D rendering, and isometric. You can also select your preferred dimensions.

Must admit that it generates the image accurately often without any errors.

image generated by koala writer
Image generated by Koala Writer

Generates Multiple Types of Articles

Koala Writer isn’t limited to crafting regular articles.

It can produce a wide range of content, from Amazon product listings, round-ups, and individual product reviews to converting YouTube videos into blog posts and refreshing old articles.

Personally, the ability of Koala Writer to create Amazon product round-ups and individual Amazon reviews really stands out, especially since I run another site that often requires such content.

Before crafting articles for Amazon with this tool, you’ll get to specify the following:

  • The targeted keyword
  • Choose the Amazon domain
  • Determine the number of products you want to review
  • Enable a first-hand experience perspective
  • Provide your Amazon tracking ID and search URL
  • & other settings

Here’s an example of the Amazon product roundup review generated by Koala Writer:

amazon product round up koala writer

Bulk Article Writing

If you want to double down on content production and save time, Koala Writer offers a bulk article-writing feature where you can generate unlimited amounts of articles at once.

To generate multiple articles at a time, simply input any number of keywords into the ‘Target Keyword’ box, placing each keyword on a separate line. Koala Writer will generate an article for each keyword.

The written process happens in the background, allowing you to step away and return later to view the results.

Outline Editor

When crafting articles with Koala, you have the option to use the outline editor. This prompts the software to first generate an outline before the actual writing. Then, you can tweak and customize it.

The generated outline includes various sections, represented as H2 and H3 elements.

During the customization phase, you can rearrange sections, move them up or down, as well as rename them. This flexibility ensures the outline aligns perfectly with your specific requirements.

koala writer outline editor

Koala Chat

Koala Writer also comes equipped with a helpful “Koala Chat” feature. It’s basically a Chat Bot like Chat GPT, where you can ask questions and request AI to perform various tasks.

What sets Koala Chat apart is its ability to interface not just with the GPT 3.5 language model but also with “Claude”, which is known to access real-time internet data.

This capability is invaluable for those seeking the latest and most precise data to enrich their content.

koala chat

Integration with WordPress

Last but not least, this feature has been a huge time saver for me.

Instead of copying and pasting generated content into your WordPress site, you can send it directly to the draft mode straight from the Koala Writer’s dashboard.

You can connect multiple WordPress accounts and assign multiple projects to them. Just provide a WordPress username with the application password and you are good to go.

koala wordpress

Try Koala Writer For Free


Using Koala Writer – Test Drive

In this section, I will share the process of writing a single blog post with Koala Writer. I will write an article on the topic – “What Can I Teach My 1-Month-Old Baby”.

Let’s see how everything goes:

1. Selecting a Work Project

I will start by choosing the desired project for my blog post (you can have as many projects as you want)

2. Choosing the GPT Version

Choosing the GPT Version Koala Writer

Next, I’ll pick between the available GPT versions: Chat GPT 3.5 or Chat GPT 4.

Although Chat GPT 4 is known for sharper accuracy, it consumes more of your word quota. For instance, a 1,500-word article might use up to 7,500 words from your allowance. It’s not that it produces longer articles, but it accounts for more words in the usage allowance.

For example, a 1,500-word article will consume 7,500 words of your usage allowance.

Since I’m pretty happy with Koala Wirter’s capabilities to generate articles on GPT 3.5, and I don’t want to waste my word allowance, I will keep it as it is.

3. Specifying the Article Type

After that, I will select the article type that I would like to generate. There are 5 options to choose from:

  • Blog Post
  • Amazon Product Round-up
  • Amazon Single Product Review
  • YouTube Video to Blog Post
  • Rewrite Blog Post

Since I’m writing a regular informational article, I will go for “Blog Post”

writing with koala

4. Optimization Settings

Then, I will provide a targeted keyword for my blog post. You don’t have to think of the titles, Koala Writer will generate one for you!

After that, I will pick SEO optimization options. Since I’m confident that AI-powered optimization optimizes my article in the most comprehensive way using real-time search results, I will go for that.

koala writer optimization

5. Adding images & videos

Then comes adding AI Images & YouTube Videos to the article, and you have 4 options for that:

  • None – no multimedia elements added
  • Auto – you can decide the balance between images and videos
  • Images – allows you to add only images
  • Videos – allows you to add only videos

I like to mix things up so I will go for auto settings. For this specific blog post, I will choose the maximum amount of images, and 2 YouTube videos. 

I will also request the image generation in Photo Style and in the 3:2 size ratio.

adding images and videos koala writer

6. Choosing tone of voice

I’ll select my desired tone from options like SEO-optimized, Excited, Professional, and more. I’ll go with SEO-optimized for better article ranking potential.

choosing tone of voice koala writer

7. Language and Demographics

I’ll set the language to English, and target the United States region. Alternatively, Koala Writer can write in Spanish, French, Arab, Chinese, German, Italian, and many other languages.

language and demographics kaola writer

8. Specifying Point of View

When choosing a point of view you have 4 options, including first person plural, first person singular, second person, and third person. I will go for Second Person because I want this article to be direct and personal.

Specifying Point of View koala writer

9. Additional Settings

In the additional settings bar, you can choose whether or not you want to turn on the following:

  • Use-Real-Time Search Results
  • Use Outline Editor
  • Include FAQ Section
  • Include Key Takeaways

The real-time search results allow Koala Writer to fetch up-to-date relevant information. This setting enables you to fetch data either from default, scholarly, or custom search operators. I will turn that on, and I will also request the software to add the FAQ section.

Additional Settings koala writer

PRO TIP: If you want to save on words, don’t add the FAQ section, and Key Takeaways, In the advanced section you can also specify not to add an introduction and conclusion paragraphs.

10. Advanced Settings

Last but not least, the Advanced Settings allows you to further customize your generated output.

You have the following options to provide:

  • URLs to link to (internal or external)
  • Custom outline version
  • Additional instructions for the title
  • Addition instructions for individual sections

You can also disable introduction and conclusion writing if you want to write your own content and save some words.

Advanced Settings koala writer

I will leave this section untouched, and I will click on “CREATE ARTICLE”.


Koala Writer has generated a blog post in less than 3 minutes, and I have got – an amazing well-written article with beautiful AI-generated images and relevant YouTube videos.

Here’s the result:

using koala writer

using koala writer

using koala writer

I took an extra step to ensure that the article is well-optimized, and tested it on an AI SEO optimization tool called Neuronwriter (It’s pretty much like SEO Surfer but more affordable)

The optimization score has impressed me – I’ve got the largest SEO score compared to my competitors:

Koala Writer SEO optimization results

Pros and Cons of Koala Writer

No matter how much I love Koala Writer, I have to admit – this tool isn’t perfect and it comes with some flaws.

Here’s what I like and dislike about this AI writer:



  • Generates high-quality content
  • Super easy to use
  • Optimizes content with AI
  • Generates images and embeds videos for free
  • Writes fantastic Amazon product review
  • Intergrates with WordPress
  • Can process plenty of articles at a time
  • Affordable



  • Sometimes generates not factually correct content
  • Introductions can be too long and a bit messy
  • Does not generate meta-descriptions
  • No plan available for unlimited words
  • No lifetime deal

Koala Writer Pricing

koala writer pricing

Koala Writer offers several affordable pricing plans, starting from just $9.

All plans include Chat GPT 3.5, and Chat GPT 4 writing capabilities along with the Koala Chat feature. The main difference between the plans is the word allowance for content generation and Chatbot interaction.

Here are the pricing options:

  • Essentials: $9/mo (KoalaWriter: 15,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 250 messages per month)
  • Starter: $25/mo (KoalaWriter: 45,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 500 messages per month)
  • Professional: $49/mo (KoalaWriter: 100,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 1,000 messages per month)
  • Boost: $99/mo (KoalaWriter: 250,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 2,500 messages per month)
  • Growth: $179/mo (KoalaWriter: 500,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 5000 messages per month)
  • Elite: $350/mo (KoalaWriter: 1,000,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 10,000 messages per month)

For those who want to scale their content production even more with Koala, there are other 3 pricing options:

  • Scale 1: $750/mo (KoalaWriter: 2,000,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 15,000 messages per month)
  • Scale 2: $1,250/mo (KoalaWriter: 5,000,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 20,000 messages per month)
  • Scale 3: $2,000/mo (KoalaWriter: 10,000,000 words per month/KoalaChat: 25,000 messages per month)

Before subscribing to any of these options, you can jump on Koala Writer’s free trial. This will let you try this tool with 5,000 words and 25 chat messages.

Try Koala Writer For Free


Koala Writer vs Agility Writer vs Zimmwriter: The Case Study

Koala Writer, Agility Writer, and Zimmwriter are three popular article generators that have recently garnered significant attention from content creators. Although they function in similar ways, the quality of results they produce can vary.

Recently, the YouTube channel Learnwire conducted a compelling performance test among various AI writers. They showcased the creation of a niche site using each of these three tools, publishing approximately 100 articles with each tool.

The results were eye-opening. The articles produced by Koala Writer consistently achieved higher rankings on Google compared to those from the other platforms. In fact, these articles were generated in bulk mode super quickly without spending time on providing keywords, building custom outlines, and other tasks.

Interestingly, Learnwire also targeted more difficult keywords with Koala than with other tools. The articles generated by Koala Writer were not only well-composed but also performed exceptionally well in search rankings.

Final Verdict – Is Koala AI Writer Worth It?

koala writer testimonials

In this comprehensive review, we’ve covered the features, pros, and cons of this AI writing tool. Koala Writer is a high-quality tool that offers a lot of value for its current price point.

If you’re looking for a reliable content writer that can help you produce high-quality content quickly, which indeed is proven to rank on Google, then Koala Writer is definitely worth considering.

One of the few standout features of Koala Writer is AI-powered content generation and AI-powered SEO optimization.

The tool uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze your topic with real-time search results and generate high-quality content that is optimized for SEO. This can save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to researching and creating content for your blog or website.

Another great thing about Koala Writer is its user-friendly interface. The tool is very easy to use, even if you’re not an experienced writer. The interface is intuitive and straightforward, with all of the features and settings clearly labeled and easy to access.

koala writer reviews

Overall, Koala Writer is a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to produce high-quality content quickly and easily.

To experience all of the tool’s features by yourself you can try Koala Writer for free by generating your first 5,000 words which can be equivalent to 1-4 articles.

Try Koala Writer For Free